The open source community website for eXtreme Message Board forum software went down Friday afternoon. It is now going on two days of down time, and has been replaced by an “Apache 2 Test Page.”
I wanted to share the news and offer a place for comments. I am one of the more active members of the community and already received some inquiries about this.
My position as a volunteer developer actually does not include administration of the xmbforum.com server computer. I was informed yesterday that the server was no longer running and would be restored from a backup copy. However, there is no current estimate for when the restoration will be done.
Update: A new server has been established at www.xmbforum2.com
Have you been able to reach anyone regarding time frames? Seems like an awfully long time for a server to be totally down.
The latest response was just that the IP address has been physically moved but the services have not been restored to the new server. That’s all I know. I don’t want to speculate.
It’s really unfortunate that it happened on a Friday, we’ll just have to wait on a renewed work week and see what happens. I’m sure the server can be put back together fairly quickly. It’s hard to get stuff done in the world on the weekends. It’s good you started this little site to keep all of us informed, for that, I thank you!!
I wonder if DavidT is in the loop on this. I do not have his contact info on me. Anyone who made a backup raise your hand.
Maybe they had no backup?
That’s sad. 🙁
If you folks get really stuck, I can offer the XMB project $0 hosting on my oversized VPS. I have no interest in returning as I am really overwhelmed with work and stuff, but I do have a soft spot for XMB and want to help you folks out if you need it.
It would have to be someone who knows what they’re doing as it would be shell access via SSH key.
Thanks for the update Robert. Hope it all gets sorted.
Andrew, that’s really nice!! We all seem to have a soft spot for XMB. This entire situation is so very sad. I hope they get something sorted out soon, myself.
Going on four days now and our last contact was three days ago. So, I left a message with the receptionist today.
Those of you willing to help on a contingency basis, what would be a realistic set of goals for preserving the community?
I think a good start would be to:
– set up new domain
– set up web space
– create a home page with xmb forum info
– create an xmb forum for support*
– create download for users wishing to download/install xmb*, maybe hosted on 3rd party like github
– get SVN* scripts onto 3rd party like github
* if anyone has the most recent copies. another advantage is that using github may generate more developer interest
Still in shock. Lack of communication from the site admins is not good news. I’m surprised more people haven’t found their way here.
I’m available to help in any way.
Has anyone been able to get a hold of Richard Ord at iEntry/Web Pro?
Any help to get you back on your feet and I am there. I have no desire to be apart of the project but will assist in any other capacity. XMB is my baby so I will always look to protect and preserve it however I can. It belongs to the world and should continue to be available to all. So many people have worked to hard to get it this far.
Hi all,
As nobody seems to know what is going on, I have e-mailed Richard Orb.
He has replied almost immediately asking if this has just happened (so it appears he knew nothing about it) and advised me that he is going to look into it.
I will post again once he replies.
Cool. Hopefully they can fix it before anything more needs to be done.
@Miqrogroove, you need to follow me on Twitter so I can DM you back. 🙂
If you still want access to a VPS, I can configure up everything you need – just e-mail me, and I will work with you to restore a backup and set up Apache and your domains. I’ll also setup something to allow you to manage your settings with a web app as if you’re not comfortable with SSH access, I’d rather you use a GUI 🙂 Been meaning to set it up for my domains for a long time anyway.
I do think moving to Google Code or Git Hub is the best idea for the code repo. Has issue tracking, documentation, and usually fairly reliable. However, if you want a local SVN server, I can get this going, but it might take a little longer.
Thanks for the details. These sound like good long-term possibilities. 🙂
Yes I failed to realize that Twitter messages only work in one direction. What a silly technology!
Does anyone have backups from XMB, if iEntry do not restore it?
Where are all the other XMB Admins / staff?
Changed from Apache test page to Drupal site offline page. Something is happening, but Drupal?
I just received root access to the new VPS, the server that is displaying the various website errors. It looks like all of the files are intact, but the server software was not restored correctly. Here’s what we have now:
Apache: OK
PHP: Throwing library errors
MySQL: Databases missing
svnserve: not found
At this point, here is what I can do personally for the community, with the very little time I can spare from my very important college homework:
1. Set up static HTML pages on xmbforum.com for crude status updates and file distribution.
2. Copy the former forums.xmbforum.com website to a new domain that has a proper server, at least until the original domain is restored.
3. Delegate administration of the VPS to someone in the community by giving them the root password.
Can you please clarify whether the forum database is available as you said the files are intact, but also said databases missing?
I think the sponsor has been uninterested in the project since coming on board and the community would be better served elsewhere – but that’s probably for a medium term plan, if that can even be done if they ‘own’ any of the scripts, name etc. In the short term I think Rob’s 3 steps are a good start.
Yes, I am checking it now, a backup within the backup.
Whatever you have time to do with your copious free time is all good. If the Server isn’t set up properly, then I’m sure the community would appreciate having someplace to land. In reality, the server belongs to the sponsor and the administration of said server does not belong to the community …. what else is a sponsor for if not to set up their systems and administrate? If the sponsor is unavailable or unwilling to do their job … let’s find a host. If someone within the community steps forward to take over with administration … then Delegate. Any detractors??
I will offer any services that can be utilized. I have good experience with WHM/Cpanel and am familiar with Kloxo admin panel for VPS. I don’t think I could handle just via ssh.
I also have time on my hands, so if you can grab someone more experienced, I would be able to help as a gopher or in any way needed.
Either way, I am here if needed.
Ready and willing to assist however called upon if needed. You have my undivided attention and support no matter what.
Thanks for the Email Robert! was already wondering what was going on. Got worried when seeing a blank or apache screen.
Is there anything we can do?
I hope they got a db backup. The one you dug up my email address from, you own backup or ientry’s? How old?
Missing libraries shouldnt pose to much of an issue. As long as the db is there. And a SVN version of the files.
Now we will find out how much we can expect from iEntry…
If you need a hand to get things back running, I have the skills with ssh / hardening to get you back online.
Long term, you find out from Richard if iEntry consider XMB to be a core project and re-commit to it.
These days, a VPS like mine is not expensive, and the Google ads more than cover the cost of running the VPS (and then some). The days of needing a corporate sponsor are long gone.
And honestly, I am not sure that the previous “owner” to iEntry had any right to “sell” XMB in the first place. That’s one of the reasons I forced the issue regarding licensing to the GPL in the first place, but it doesn’t cover copyright, which by then was far too late to fix. XMB 2 was an attempt to fix that by starting over, but you know. 20/20 hindsight.
Thank you very much for volunteering your time! I will send you the login details and my best guesses as to what needs to be fixed.
Given iEntry’s past history and some of their posted comments, they are not interested in xmb.
Thanks Robert for sending me that email. I tried getting on the site friday I believe, and it wouldn’t work for me at all. I’m really glad that you sent me an email forwarding me to this address.
Is no one in contact with Richard or Jay anymore? I hope that the site gets restored soon.
Also, Kuba, if you could shoot me an email (as I no longer have yours) it would be greatly appreciated!
Jay and iEntry went their separate ways a couple years ago. I’ve never heard from Richard.
I know that not everyone has the time (some of us don’t have the tech skills) but perhaps consider starting up a new team and website with the people (and David T) who have responded on this blog?
Since we all seem to be using regular names, now … I thought I’d come clean. It’s heartening to see all of this support. Rochelle, I sent you my email address in a u2u. I have to say …. it was an abrupt change when Jay left iEntry. He used to take care of business, almost immediately. We even had the ability to call him at home on the weekends and he got stuff done. Since, we’ve never gotten anyone’s attention at any time of the day, week. They have the ability to get our attention …. and have. It’s been a one way street for a long, long time.
Damn, I was wondering why I hadn’t heard from Jay in so long. We used to talk on a regular basis. If it’s decided that we’re to start up a new team, please keep me in the loop. I actually just moved out of the country, and while looking for jobs, I have absolutely nothing to do during the day, and would love to help where ever I can.
I am looking at the main server right now. I’ll give folks updates as I get closer.
PHP is sorted, and APC is installed. I have to go to client meetings now.
Tomorrow, I will harden the box and ensure that SVN is running.