Functional Null Coalesce for PHP

A simple-looking construct is needed for the use of sometimes-declared variables. After considering alternatives, I propose adding a function-like language construct for the purpose of coalescing undeclared variables.

The common challenge: Need to test the value of a variable whose existence is unknown.

Existing solutions:

$input = $_POST['input'] ?? 'none';
if ($input === 'yes') echo 'success';

$_POST['input'] ??= 'none';
if ($_POST['input'] === 'yes') echo 'success';

Needed solution: What we don’t have is a Variable Handling Function that will concisely resolve any uninitialized variable.

// Hypothetical
if (nullc($_POST['input']) === 'yes') echo 'success';

The proposed construct nullc(mixed $var): mixed will return the original value, or null if the variable is not declared.  This is consistent with the construct isset which returns false when a variable is assigned to null.  In this way, the two constructs isset and nullc will complement each other more concisely than something like the construct empty.

The other challenge: Null coalescing operator precedence causes unexpected behavior.

$test = 'off';

if ($test ?? '' === 'on') {
    // The line above is equivalent to if ($test ?? false) and will evaluate as true.
    echo 'yes';

if ('on' === $what ?? '') {
    // The line above is equivalent to if (('on' === $what) ?? '') and will throw a warning

This requires an extra set of parentheses to be workable.

$test = 'off';

if (($test ?? '') === 'on') {
    // The line above will evaluate as false.

These nuances were missed in the former Unary Coalesce RFC. Adding or not adding an operator doesn’t resolve the cumbersome precedence already in place for ?? usage.  I was reminded of the need for a function-style construct while contemplating the differences between PHP’s ?? operator and Microsoft’s function Nz.  What we can do with an expression like nullc($test) === 'on' should be compatible with other existing operators and is more elegant than operators-in-parentheses or any multi-line statements.  This would also resolve the problem of not being able to do the same in a user function.

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