Server Crippled by Updates Again

February update cycle again sent my server into a reboot loop, shutting down all services until I could diagnose the problem on site.

Following the same steps as in my previous post, I switched the boot choice to Safe Mode, and observed another boot failure. This time instead of getting into the weeds of troubleshooting the update system with a second Safe Mode boot, I decided to let the server go back to the normal boot mode, because some other websites have reported this as a good solution.

In this case, the failed Safe Mode boot followed by no other action did successfully restore the server.

After reviewing the Event Viewer logs, I could only find a repeated Event ID 1074, “TrustedInstaller.exe has initiated the restart”. KB2992611 and KB890830 both installed successfully before the loop, then KB4502496, KB2822241, and KB4537814 installed after the loop.

My current recommendation is to disable automatic updates for Windows servers and only perform update checks while on site. Also, run the update check twice in a row. The servicing stack update from December didn’t show up until after recovering from the reboot loop and then checking again for more updates.

Reboot Loop After KB4525246 Update

Several other sites confirmed recent server failures after running Windows Updates. Here are the basic steps I used to recover.

Attach a keyboard and enter BIOS setup. Make sure Quick Boot is disabled.

Press F8 while restarting the server to open the Advanced Boot Options menu.

I tried Safe Mode, but did not see a successful boot there.

Next I tried Repair Your Computer, which brought me to the “Choose an option” screen.

Select Troubleshoot, then select Command Prompt. Follow the instructions to log in as one of the administrators.

Continue reading Reboot Loop After KB4525246 Update

Microsoft Updates Crippling Windows 2003 Servers

The updates bug I described in Windows XP back in October is now also locking up server computers.

I’ve had it with this.  Microsoft has clearly lost control of its security patches.

As of today, I am disabling Automatic Updates across the board; all devices and all versions.  Up-time is more important to me than monthly patches.

Microsoft Updates Crippling Windows XP

Screen shot of the related Neowin article
Check out the comments on this website.

As reported at Neowin, your Windows XP computer may be locked up due to bad updates being sent by Microsoft.  Two of mine were 🙁

The solution, which I found in the comments section of that article, tested, and confirmed on my own computers:

  1. Disable the Automatic Updates service.
  2. Stop the Automatic Updates service (reboot if necessary but do not kill svchost.exe)
  3. Install the correct update from Microsoft.  That link is for computers with IE8 only.  For older versions, check the article I mentioned above.
  4. Reboot the computer.
  5. Reset the Automatic Updates service to automatic and start it. (If you want more updates.)

This is a truly shameful problem for Microsoft’s reputation.

December 7, December 11, More Problems

The subsequent updates released by Microsoft have caused the same problem to occur again.  I’ve updated the link above with the newer patches.

To find newer patches, you have to do a complicated search at the Microsoft Download Center.

Per my latest article about Windows servers, I am now recommending everyone disable the Automatic Updates service on all Windows-based computers.